Organization Nerd refund & Returns Policy

Organization Nerd sells products & services that fall into 3 main categories, each of which carries its own policy when it comes to refunds/returns:

  • Digital/printable products — which are sold solely through our website’s shop.
  • Memberships that provide access to our course content — which are sold solely through our website’s membership & user account registration system.
  • In-person organization sessions — which are typically invoiced/paid at the time of service, but which require $50 deposits that are paid through our appointment scheduling system.

Digital/Printable Products

Digital purchases are non-returnable and non-refundable, due to the fact that they are immediately available to customers (as soon as payment has been completed & confirmed through the payment gateway), and are easy to duplicate/save/etc.

We do offer one exception to this “no-return/no-refund” policy for digital goods, however… and that is in cases where a customer accidentally purchases an item that they have already purchased in the past. In such cases, the customer must be able to establish that a duplicate purchase has occurred by providing us with two different order numbers from the same customer account that both contain the same product. In such cases, Organization Nerd will refund the most recent purchase price (i.e. the cost of the duplicate).


We offer 3 tiers of membership plans — FREE (a perpetual/indefinite membership), premium monthly (a month-by-month subscription that is billed once a month), and premium annual (same content as the monthly membership, but at a greatly discounted rate when purchasing the entire year in advance).

Once a membership is purchased, it is active and valid for the duration of whatever term was purchased (i.e. one month for the monthly membership… one year for the annual membership) and refunds for that particular term will not be provided. Once a membership term begins, the customer has full access to all of the materials related to the term of that membership; as such, we cannot issue refunds for information and materials that a customer has already received.

Customers may, however, cancel their membership at any time during the term they purchased — before the next term is billed/renewed — and in such cases the customer will retain access to the membership benefits through the end of the current term, but will not have their membership auto-renewed/billed after that term ends.

In-Person Organization Sessions

In-person organization sessions are invoiced/paid-in-full at the time of service, with a minimum investment of 3 hours of billed session time required. If/when a project does not require the full 3-hour minimum time block, the remaining time can easily be forwarded to a future project, but is not refundable.

Organization Nerd collects a non-refundable $50 deposit at the time of booking a session in our appointment scheduling system. This enables a client to guarantee that they have a time reserved on our very busy schedule, while also allowing us to ensure that we’re either working -or- compensated for setting aside time that could have been used for other clients’ projects.

If a client schedules a time in our appointment scheduling system and later needs to reschedule it, we will happily do so free of charge if that change is made more than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled session time. Any changes made less than 24 hours in advance will incur a $50 “no show” fee (in the form of the original deposit) to compensate the organizer for their scheduled time. In such cases, the client will need to re-book a new session and pay another $50 deposit to get back onto our schedule.